M104 – The Sombrero Galaxy
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Imaged while battling a waxing moon, storm fronts and forrestry burn offs, this is my first go at M83 with the Big Boy scope !
Located in the constelation Lepus (“The Hare”), M79 is a globular cluster located approx 42,000 light years from Earth.
Taken over several nights in Jan-Feb 21, this is my first attempt at M78.
My first attempt at Thor’s Helmet (NGC2359) with a HOO bi colour image taken through the start of January 2021.
This is the more detailed result of more imaging time on the Crab nebula over the Xmas and New Year period of 20/21.
Started in December 2020, this is my first imaging run at the Crab Nebula – M1
9th December 2020
Taken using the 10″RC at it’s native 2000mm (f8) focal length, this is a close up portrait of the famous Horse Head dark Nebula in Orion
This is the first imaging run I have done on capturing the Tarantula nebula (Doradus 30) located in the Large Magellenic Cloud.