Moon 31 Aug 2015

I am a little behind in uploading this one.  This was from the night following the full moon at the end of August, 31/8/2015.  I was wanting to get a higher resolution image so decided to do as a mosaic .  The above image is comprised of 15 panels where each panel was created using the Canon 70D attached to the GSO 6″ RC with a 0.75x reducer.  The workflow for the image was :

– take 15 videos using the Canon 70D via Backyard EOS in planetary mode with 5x zoom.

– Stack the best 5% of 900 frames from each video in AutoStakkert2.

– Stitch the panels together using Microsoft ICE.

– Run the tiff file through Registax6 for wavelet processing to bring out detail of the craters.

– Final processing in Photoshop CC to adjust levels and curves as well as saturation adjustment to bring out the colour.

As my first attempt at a mosaic I am very happy with how this turned out.