Mount Type : German Equatorial
Weight Capacity : 10kg
Mount Weight : Head = 10kg, Tripod = 5kg
Motor Resolution : 0.144 arc sec
Slew Speed : 3.4 deg/sec
Power Req : 12-15V 2A
Mount Type : German Equatorial
Weight Capacity : 10kg
Mount Weight : Head = 10kg, Tripod = 5kg
Motor Resolution : 0.144 arc sec
Slew Speed : 3.4 deg/sec
Power Req : 12-15V 2A
I am a little late in uploading this as, i have to admit, I have been struggling with motivation quite a bit lately. This year has been clouded out almost continuously and even on those nights where there is a parting of the clouds it is only for a couple of hours before they roll…
A short imaging run on NGC6334, the Cat’s Paw nebula, in Scorpius taken on 4th August 2016
In Progress