This is the more detailed result of more imaging timeon the Crab nebula over the Xmas and New Year period of 20/21.

Being a Northern hemisphere target at +22 declination, the Crab Nebula is a trickier target to get from Perth as it means that it never rises much above 35 degrees above the northern horizon. This combined with the fact that the home Observatory is on the South side of the house, so I am shooting over the roof line, limits the amount of time on target that I can get. This image is a combined 6.5 hours spread over several nights as it came into optimal imaginging zone.
Equipment Used :
10″ RC at native f8 (2000mm focal length)
EQ8 mount
ASI1600MM-C at -15C, 200gain & 2×2 binning ( 0.78 arcsec/pix)
Astronomik 12nm Ha & Oiii filters in ZWO efw
Guiding by Orion thin OAG and ASi 290 camera
Power is managed by a PegasusAstro Ultimate Power Box v2 with a mounted NUC minicomputer controlling everything,
Image Components
50x300s Ha
29x300s Oiii ( I had to throw out an entire session of Oiii due to poor frames according to PI)
25 darks
64 bias
(I don’t yet have a flats system for the 10″ scope and this does show up in the Oiii frames.)
Software :
SGPro, PHD2, Pixinsight, Photoshop