This is my first attempt at Thor’s Helmet (NGC2359) with a HOO bi colour image taken through the start of January 2021.
Equipment Used :
10″ RC at native f8 (2000mm focal length)
EQ8 mount
ASI1600MM-C at -15C, 200gain & 2×2 binning ( 0.78 arcsec/pix)
Astronomik 12nm Ha & Oiii filters in ZWO efw
Guiding by Orion thin OAG and ASi 290 camera
Power is managed by a PegasusAstro Ultimate Power Box v2 with a mounted NUC minicomputer controlling everything,
Image Components
50x300s Ha
48x300s Oiii
25 darks
64 bias
Software :
SGPro, PHD2, Pixinsight, Photoshop