NGC6334 Cats Paw Nebula

I started out the evening with trying to capture the Oiii frames to complete a bicolour image of M16, which I had captured Ha frames for my last session out, however I spent the first few hours fighting gremlins in the system.  I eventually gave up on this as I was swapping back and forth to Antares for focusing with the various narrow band filters with the bahtinov mask,  which meant swapping back and forth across the meridian.  Therefore I decided to just settle on a target nearby to shoot in Ha and The Cat’s Paw nebula, NGC6334, located in the tail of Scorpius ( 17:19:58, -35:57:47 ) happened to be on my list of targets – so that is what I went for, resulting in the below image from 1:45hr of imaging before it went in behind trees.

Images:    7 x 900s Ha (Astronomik 12nm), Darks from the library
Camera:   Atik 420m @ 0C
Scope:     SW ED80 with 0.85x reducer (f6.3 510mm)
Mount:      HEQ5 Pro
Software:  CdC, EQMod, SGP, DSS, PS CC

Monochrome Ha



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