After moving back to Perth a couple of months ago I have finally had the chance to do some imaging and one of my favourite targets was in prime position – The Horsehead Nebula.
This was also my first opportunity to try out the new Ioptron CEM60 mount that I bought earlier in the year – many months ago, but hey I have been busy !
I have to say that I am very impressed, straight out of the box the guiding graph was a huge improvement over what I have been able to achieve with the HEQ5 – even after the belt modification – this will be a keeper I am thinking.

Capture Equipment : Skywatcher ED80 with 0.85x FR/FF, ASI1600MM-C camera, ZWO EFW, Astronomik 12nm Filters
Mount and Guiding: Ioptron CEM60, ASI290 guide camera with ZWO 60/280 scope
Image : 12 x 300s Ha @ -10C, 16 Dark, 36 Bias