Tarantula Nebula (30 Doradus)

First images taken Fri 30 Oct 2020 :
– RC10 on EQ8 controlled by EQMod
– ASI1600mm-c @-15C, controlled by SGPro
– Guiding by PHD2 using an ASI290-mm camera and ZWO 60280 guidescope
– A stack of :
– Lights : 21x600s @ 2×2 binning Ha filter,
24x600s @ 2×2 binning Oiii filter,
21x600s @ 2×2 binning Sii filter
– Darks : 36x300s @ 2×2 binning
– Bias : 64 frames @ 2×2 Binning
– Pixinsight for image calibration, stacking,
– Photoshop for stretching, noise reduction and sharpening.

Tarantula Nebula

The Ha stack as a mono image

Tarantula in HOO

Combining Ha and Oiii to produce a HOO pallette :

And then adding the S Filter to produce a SHO pallete (not really much in there at all).

Finally converting to the Gold and Turquoise pallette after deconvolution (BluXterminator) and star removal (StarXterminator) steps added in 2023 as a bit of fun 🙂

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