I revisited the wider field of the Carina Nebula during the new moon period of March capturing both narrowband for HOO on the nebula and RGB for better looking stars. This time around I am using the QHY268M camera with APS-C size sensor and the Antlia filters.

This is the standard HOO version with RGB stars.
A full size jpeg can be loaded here

This is after applying narrow band normalisation to the nebula, then the RBG stars added back in.
the full size jpg is here.
Image Capture Details
Frames : Ha and O3 @ 100x600s each, RGB @ 100x30s in each filter, with matching calibrations.
Mount : Ioptron CEM60 with starfi connection
Scope : Skywatcher ED 80
Focuser : Moonlite with stepper motor.
Camera : QHY268m @ 56gain and -0C
EFW : QHY CFW3 5×2″
Filters : Antlia RGB, Ha (3nm) and Oiii (3nm)
Guiding : ASI120mc with ZWO 60280 guidescope
Software : SGPro, PHD2, Pixinsight