Images taken through early 2024, this is my latest rendition of the Running Chicken nebula in SHO pallet with overlayed RGB stars.

SHO pallete with overlayed RGB stars.
Full size image can be loaded here
Frames : Ha and O3 @ 100x300s each, RGB @ 50x30s in each filter, with matching calibrations.
Mount : Ioptron CEM60 with starfi connection
Scope : Skywatcher ED 80
Focuser : PrimaLuce Lab Essatto 2″ microfocuser.
Camera : ASI1600mm-Cool @ 139 gain and 0C
EFW : ZWO EFW 7 x 1.25″
Filters : Astronomik RGB, Ha (12nm), Oiii (12nm) and Sii (12nm)
Guiding : ASI120mc with ZWO 60280 guidescope
Software : SGPro, PHD2, Pixinsight