NGC5128 Centaurus A – 13 July 2020

NGC 5128 – Centaurus A

I have been wanting to capture this one for awhile and I am pretty happy with it as a first attempt

16 x 5min for each of RGB taken over different nights in the past couple of weeks as weather has permitted for a combined 4 hours of exposure

Calibrated with darks (36) and biases (64), stacked, cropped, combined, colour calibrated and noise reduction in PixInsight and then final curves, levels, sharpening in Photoshop (still learning this part of pixinsight !)

Image capture :
ASI1600mm cooled to -20C
Astronomik RGB filters in a ZWO EFW (filter wheel)
ED80 with 0.85x reducer/flattener

Guiding :
ASI290 camera
Orion 30mm F4 guidescope

Mount :
Ioptron CEM60 mount on backyard pier

Capture software :
Sequence Generator Pro

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