A perpetual favourite to visit, this year I tried with the QHY268 and Antlia filters on the ED80.

RGB Colour
A full size .tif file can be found here
Image Capture Details
Frames : RGB @ 100x120s in each filter, Ha and O3 @ 100x600s each, matching calibrations.
Mount : Ioptron CEM60 with starfi connection
Scope : Skywatcher ED 80
Focuser : Moonlite with stepper motor.
Camera : QHY268m @ 56gain and -10C
EFW : QHY CFW3 5×2″
Filters : Antlia RGB, Ha (3nm) and O3 (3nm)
Guiding : ASI120mc with ZWO 60280 guidescope
Software : SGPro, PHD2, Pixinsight