NGC5128 Centaurus A – 13 July 2020
My first attempt at Centaurus A which was captured in late June – early July 2020
My first attempt at Centaurus A which was captured in late June – early July 2020
M8 imaged from backyard Lesmurdie in June 2020
First attempt at M83 from the new house in Lesmurdie
New Years 2019, what better target than the Horse Head ?
I am a little late in uploading this as, i have to admit, I have been struggling with motivation quite a bit lately. This year has been clouded out almost continuously and even on those nights where there is a parting of the clouds it is only for a couple of hours before they roll…
A quick report on last weeks trip down to Aus to try out the new gear, including a surprise outreach night at the school.
A short imaging run on NGC6334, the Cat’s Paw nebula, in Scorpius taken on 4th August 2016
In Progress
A run down on the construction of my home made light box for taking flats with the the ED80.
I have been a little impatient while waiting for the skies to clear to try out the new scope and in the meantime I have been reading anything I can locate on astroimaging, including using modified a webcam, so naturally I thought “Why not ?” and figured I would give it a go. Of course doing…