M8 22nd June 2020
M8 imaged from backyard Lesmurdie in June 2020
The astronomical mounmts that I use
M8 imaged from backyard Lesmurdie in June 2020
First attempt at M83 from the new house in Lesmurdie
New Years 2019, what better target than the Horse Head ?
I am a little late in uploading this as, i have to admit, I have been struggling with motivation quite a bit lately. This year has been clouded out almost continuously and even on those nights where there is a parting of the clouds it is only for a couple of hours before they roll…
A quick report on last weeks trip down to Aus to try out the new gear, including a surprise outreach night at the school.
A short imaging run on NGC6334, the Cat’s Paw nebula, in Scorpius taken on 4th August 2016
In Progress