NGC5128 – Centaurus A
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Centaurus A, or NGC5128 or more colloquially as the Hamburger Galaxy, is located in the Centaurus Constellation above the Centaur’s back approximately 4 degrees north of Omega Centauri. The actual position co-ordinates are :
RA : 13h 25m 27.6s
Dec : -43 01′ 09″
Visible to the naked eye under dark clear skies, Centaurus A has a visual magnitude of 6.84 and has an apparent size of 25.7′ x 20′ . Given that it is in the range of 10-16 Mly (million light years) from Earth, it’s actual size is in the order of 60,000 ly across.
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My first attempt at Centaurus A which was captured in late June – early July 2020