M55 – Sept 2022
Image of M55 taken in September 2022
Globular clusters are spherical, gravimetrically bound concentrations of generally 100’s to 1000’s of stars which are located in the halos of galaxies, rather than the galactic disc, and orbit the galaxy as satellites at distances of 130,000 ly or more. There are however some globulars which measure into the millions of solar masses such Omega Centauri.
The population of stars in a globular cluster are generally of the same age, although will vary between clusters, and are measured to be among the oldest stars in a galaxy, therefore among the first produced, however their role in galactic formation is poorly understood.
Image of M55 taken in September 2022
M54 imaged in August 2022
A quick grab of M4 while waiting for M16 to get to a good position.
M5 was a quick fill in image in before going to my main target for the evening.
A second imaging attempt at Omega Centauri
Located at a distance of 15,800 ly in the constellation of Centaurus, Omega Centauri is the largest globular cluster in the Milky way galaxy with a diameter of approximately 150 ly and is estimated to contain 10 million stars with a total mass equivalent to 4 million solar masses.