Moon 23rd May 2015

There was blue skies for a change at sunset this evening so I dragged the gear out and set up expecting (hoping) to have a good clear evening for practicing a few things.  Straight out of the gate things didn’t go too well as it took forever (60 min) to repeatedly do the star alignment…

Jupiter May 2015

So on the 11th the clouds parted and I was able to get the scope out for a play.  After setting up and aligning, the first target for the evening was of course Jupiter.  This was also the first chance to try out the ASI120MC-S camera “in the wild” so I was definately interested in…

Modifying a C270 webcam

I have been a little impatient while waiting for the skies to clear to try out the new scope and in the meantime I have been reading anything I can locate on astroimaging, including using modified a webcam, so naturally I thought “Why not ?” and figured I would give it a go.  Of course doing…

Astronomik UHC-E clip in filter

While I wait for my ordered telescope and attachments to arrive, I wanted to try taking some star trail photos, both to see how they would turn out and to practice focusing on stars with the Canon 70D before I try hooking it up to the telescope.  The light pollution in Jakarta tends to get…


Hi, Well I guess I should start this new site of with a bit of info about why I am doing all this.  I have been interested in astronomy since a young age, even to the point of studying units while at University.  During this period,  the posters on my wall were a mix of old…