I am a little late in uploading this as, i have to admit, I have been struggling with motivation quite a bit lately. This year has been clouded out almost continuously and even on those nights where there is a parting of the clouds it is only for a couple of hours before they roll back in. All of which means that I can’t really get the data to do justice to the targets I do get to go after. However that said, this has long been one of my “must have’ targets, so even if it is not able to be in a finished state yet it needs to go up π
The data for this image was captured on the 16th September, the gods giving me a slightly late birthday present , which was the first night in months where the stars could be seen. Unfortunately the clear skies only lasted for a couple of hours, or at least as clear as Jakarta gets, but it did finally matched up with a time when this beauty was up.
The Helix Nebula, otherwise known as the “Eye of God”, is located in the constellation Aquarius and is one of the closest planetary nebula to Earth, about 700 light years away. With an apparent size of 25 arcminutes it occupies slightly less of the sky than the full moon (29-34 arcminutes depending on orbit location) but is too faint to be seen by the naked eye.
This is a combination of 10 frames each lasting 10 minutes to capture the faint light emitted by the Hydrogen (Ha wavelength) that makes up the nebula. Given the recent addition of a street light overlooking our back yard, this type of narrow band imaging is all I can do at the moment – until I invest in a slingshot or bb gun π .
Unfortunately I haven’t had any further nights since to be able to get more data to improve the image. I was hoping to get some OIII wavelength images as well to try and create a colour image – I can dream, it is Jakarta after all.
Image Details
Lights : 10 x 600s Ha (Astronomik 12nm)
Camera : ZWO ASI1600MM-C at 0C
Scope : SW ED80 with 0.85x reducer, moonlite focuser
Mount : HEQ5 with belt mod controlled with EQmod
Guiding : ASI120MC-S on ZWO 60280 guidescope
Software : SGP Pro, PHD2, EQmod, Pixinsight, PhotoShop